
Ceramics for artists, designers and beginners.
Learn. Play. Explore. Grow.
Pinch is a Singapore artist-run studio dedicated to the pleasure of working with clay. Founded by Tricia Lim, it’s a bright, airy and welcoming space. We promise you’ll want to dive in immediately, to start building things up with your own hands.
Pinching - one of the earliest known methods of shaping clay - is visceral. You rub the earth and feel its fine grains. Squeeze it between your fingers. Its touch is cold and firm against your skin. Pressing, wedging, rolling and pinching, you transform a lump of clay into vessels and conjured shapes - all of your own making and out of your own imagination.

Tricia started working with clay as a child, growing up with access to her parents’ home studio. She studied fine arts at the Victorian College of Arts, Australia and a wide range of ceramic techniques under various teachers. Prior to this, she taught ceramics and sculpture at School Of The Arts, Singapore for 8 years. Through setting up Pinch Ceramics Studio, she began working with clay again to reconnect with her childhood rituals and share her joy in ceramics with the people around her.
Her artworks can be seen on the commissions and projects pages, as well as at www.tricialim.com.